Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Month Old!

Thad Rossmann celebrated his one month birthday on Independence Day!

We had a great first overnight trip to the Anderson's lakehouse on Lake McQueeney.  Babies, Lakeside Breastfeeding & BBQ were the highlights of the weekend. 

In an attempt to keep track of all things TR before they leave my sleep deprived brain, here are some reflections on his first month of life:
  • He is the cutest baby we've ever seen (most people say that, but really, we really think he is :-))
  • He is a great eater
  • He HATES a wet diaper and will let you know asap
  • Pampers Diapers with the yellow stripe that turns blue when wet, are a lifesaver
  • Thad loves being in his car seat as long as it's moving
  • The Nap Nanny is the best invention ever
  • Even though we can sit up  in bed and look into Thad's room, we still have the video monitor hooked up to our TV in our bedroom
  • I love middle of the night feeding sessions - it feels like he and I are the only ones awake in the world
  • We love muslin swaddle blankets
  • Graduated from Newborn to Size 1 diapers @ 2 weeks old
  • Starting to smile more, and it is the absolute best
  • Morning times are our favorite and most happy
  • Not so happy in the late afternoon
  • Loves taking a bath with Daddy :-)
  • Eating every 3 hours during the day, and sometimes going 4-5hrs at night
  • Last time we checked, you were 10lbs 12 oz
  • Enjoys long walks in the neighborhood with mom
  • The animals aren't too interested in Thad just yet
  • He will follow bright, colorful things with his eyes
  • I still can't believe he grew inside me, and now is out and about in the world!
  • Everyday I love him more and more
  • Watching Thad C be a dad has been the sweetest time of my life

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